Catholic life
St. Anne’s Catholic High School for Girls will offer a positive presence in Enfield with a comprehensive curriculum delivered in modern facilities, equipping students with the ability to meet the challenges of the 21st Century confidently, and with high spiritual and moral standards.
We recognise that students, parents, staff and governors make up the school’s community which will continually self-evaluate to improve itself effectively and efficiently in all aspects of its growth.

We are a Catholic school and our ethos is encapsulated in our school motto: “Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8), which we encourage our students to live out daily.
As a school we take seriously our duty to challenge injustice and support those in need and we strive to help students understand their responsibilities towards others in the local community as well as to those in the wider and global communities.
The young people at our school carry out a range of charitable work, they work hard at their studies and they are proud of their faith, whatever faith that may be.
Read our Catholic Life Newsletter: Living out our faith
Patronage System
At St. Anne’s we have a Patronage system that is diverse; reflecting our student and staff body and one that encourages healthy competition. Students and Staff belong to a particular house, but we are still all part of one learning family.
We have moved to a horizontal Patronage system, where each year group is attached to a Patron.
Our Catholic Patrons were chosen due to their unique qualities and God given gifts, as well as being strong, diverse women of faith. We feel that their qualities match our students’ here at St. Anne’s. Each patron has had a specially commissioned artwork which beautifully depicts the gifts and talents she has in gorgeous detail, as well as the colour afforded to her, that represents the year group.
Sixth Form Students make up Bowman House and red wear lanyards for the colour of their Patron. They will learn about their patron in Core RE lessons, assemblies and gatherings within the “feast fortnight” which celebrate the feast day of the Sister Thea Bowman. Students will be given the opportunity to embrace the house theme of Cultural Heritage.
St. Anne's Patronage System

Student Involvement
Sixth Form Students play an active role in the Catholic Life of the School and hold various roles of responsibility to support it.
There are a number of opportunities that Year 12 students can apply for including:
- CAFOD Young Leaders
- KS5 Liturgy Team
- Holocaust Educational Trust, Lessons from Auschwitz Ambassadors
- Eucharistic Ministers
- Community Outreach Team