Sociology A Level
Subject Leader: Mrs C Ferros
Subject Leader: Mrs C Ferros
The study of sociology encourages students to develop their capacity for critical thinking, to see relationships between different groups in society, understand how society is organized and the role of individuals within it. Students will draw on the work of classical as well as contemporary sociologists to develop an in-depth understanding of what norms and values mean and how they are often a ‘social construct’.

Students are not required to have studied sociology previously; all students are taught a six-week introduction course at the start of year 12 giving them the foundations to study sociology at A level. There are three exams taken at the end of the two-year course, which are based on 6 topics, and are structured in the following ways:
Paper 1: Education + Methods in Context – two-hour exam
Paper 2: Families and Households + Global Sociology – two-hour exam
Paper 3: Crime and Deviance + Theory and Methods – two-hour exam
Additional information:
Compulsory interventions and study clubs are set up throughout the year to meet the learning needs of the students, and parents will be informed where necessary.
The sociology department regularly undertakes trips. Recent trips included a visit to the BFI cinema, South Bank, to see “Sorry we missed you” by Ken Loach, and a walk to Highgate Cemetery to see Karl Marx’s grave, followed by a picnic near the Ladies’ Pond on Hampstead Heath.