Media A Level

``The people will believe what the media tells them they believe.`` George Orwell

Subject Leader:
Simon Messenger
KS5 Subject Teachers: Andrew Rose, Sue Morrell, Leona Lysandrou, Sophie Marcou, Katie Lee,

Subject Leader:
Simon Messenger
KS5 Subject Teachers: Andrew Rose, Sue Morrell, Leona Lysandrou, Sophie Marcou, Katie Lee,

Media Studies, a popular, dynamic and exciting course that examines the full range of Media and gives students an insight into the industry and practice. The course begins with a solid foundation of theory, before looking at practical application in television and film, to social media and video games. Students will explore the role that media plays in society and debate the potential effects of media on audiences. Context will be a key area of study, discussing the significance of culture, society and politics.

Component 1: Media One  – Media Language and Representations; Media Industries and Audiences. A focus on radio, newspapers and film

Component 2: Media Two – Extended analysis of various media, including an in-depth appraisal of television, magazines and online, also participatory media, including video games.

Component 3: Non-Exam Assessment (Coursework) – Creating a cross-media production. Students will apply their knowledge and their understanding of the theoretical framework in producing their own production in a chosen media. This practical unit accounts for 30% of the grade.

Possible Careers: Careers in the broad industry of media could relate to social media, participatory media, as well as traditional broadcast media. The focus on industries and business opens up work in the commercial sectors.