
Our purpose-built Sixth Form Centre provides excellent facilities including small seminar rooms for individual study and group work, a large common room where students can relax at break and lunch and where they can study during lesson time, classrooms with up-to-date IT facilities and a computer suite. There are also computers for students’ use in the seminar rooms and common room as well as laptops that students can borrow for use in the Sixth Form Centre. Our catering company serve food in the Sixth Form Common Room at break and lunch and there are kitchenette facilities for students. Students also have access to all facilities in the main building, including subject specific rooms, labs, our gym and PE Hall.


Our building is accessible, with an accessible toilet and a lift to the upper floors. Our main school building also has a chair-lift for students who may have lessons in some of the specialist rooms there, for example in one of the science laboratories or art studios.

We are very proud of the working environment in our Sixth Form. When they are not in lessons, our students have Supervised Study. This takes place in our Sixth Form Centre and students work quietly, under the supervision of a member of staff. We believe that students have a right to a quiet learning environment where they can focus and work productively.