Art A Level

‘The Arts are not just a nice thing to have or to do if there is free time or if one can afford it. Rather, paintings and poetry, music and fashion, design and dialogue, they all define who we are as a people and provide an account of our history for the next generation.’ - Michelle Obama

Subject Leader: Ms. S. Marcou
Teacher in charge of Art: Mr. G. Devine

Subject Leader: Ms. S. Marcou
Teacher in charge of Art: Mr. G. Devine


Creativity is at the heart of every area of our lives – it is an essential skill that enables us to be effective in all that we do. The St. Anne’s Art Department provides an environment where students can develop and nurture this life affirming skill. Students will learn to develop their own unique approach to the world of the visual arts, refining and improving their ability to experiment with materials and respond to the visual world using the key skills of drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture and digital media.

The St. Anne’s Art Department is a flourishing centre for the development of the visual arts, enabling students to produce artwork that is both original and technically accomplished. Our staff are committed, inspirational, demanding and fun: given appropriate guidance and sufficient individual attention, all students are capable of producing works of a very high calibre. We achieve a high success rate at A Level and we have a high success rate with entries to Foundation and BA courses at colleges such as Central St. Martins, Camberwell College of Arts and The Bartlett UCL. The course includes many visits to London galleries and Museums.

Possible Careers

  • Artist
  • Illustrator
  • Graphic Designer
  • Photographer
  • Fashion Designer
  • Curator
  • Film maker
  • Art director
  • Set Designer

Important Art books


Author Title Publisher
Bell, J (2004) Five Hundred Self-Portraits Phaidon
Blazwick, I and Wilson, S (editors) (2000) Tate Modern the Handbook Tate Publishing
Blistene, B (2001) A History of the 21st Century Art Flammarion Beaux Arts SA
Chadwick, W (1991) Women Artists and the Surrealist Movement Thames & Hudson, London
Chipp, H B (1992) Theories of Modern Art California Press
Collings, M (2000) This is Modern Art Weidenfield and Nicholson, London
Coppel, S & Kierkuc-Bielinski, J (2008) The American Scene: Prints from Hopper to Pollock British Museum Press
Elger, D (1998) Expressionism Taschen, Cologne
Grosenick, U (2001) Women Artists in the 20th and 21st Century Taschen
Grosenick, U (2002)

Riemschneider, B

Art Now Taschen
Art Leaflet