IT Exchange

IT Exchange is a long-standing community project with local charity partner, Generation Exchange. Year 12 volunteers are recruited and trained to deliver one-to-one IT support to local older people. The ten-week course saw a group of 17 Year 12 volunteers and 14 older learners take part every Tuesday, and the library was a hub of activity with lots of learning, laughter and tea during the hour and a half of the course. 100% of the older learners completed evaluation forms and said they would recommend the project to others. One of the learners summed up the project and the help received beautifully: “I have been very impressed by the courtesy shown to me, not only by the students teaching me, but also by the manners and respect shown when I have walked down the corridors. Well done, St. Anne’s.”

One of Year 12 volunteers told us: “It has been a great, wonderful experience. I would absolutely recommend it to others. It has enriched my knowledge on the older generation and given me the chance to practice teaching skills.” 

Thank you to all the Year 12s for your support and commitment and to the Year 10s too – we hope you enjoyed your volunteering experience and look forward to welcoming the project back next year with the new Year 12s.