Year 12s sign up to WOHAA Challenge

Year 12 have enthusiastically taken on the challenge of the Wings of Hope Achievement Award, with 7 teams formed and over 30 students participating. Students are required to learn key transferrable skills, to access relevant and impartial careers advice, and to grow and nurture their confidence, independence and sense of social responsibility. 

Wings of Hope Achievement Award (WOHAA) is a children’s charity, UK based, with the mission to give children from all backgrounds the opportunity to develop the life skills essential to reach their development goals. WOHAA is a nationally recognised social enterprise programme for young leaders in schools and communities across the UK. Open to students aged 13 – 18 years old (or Years 9 – 13), the Achievement Awards focus on building up essential life skills beyond the classroom.

Students are busy planning fundraising activities which we will update on next term.

 Find out more about WOHAA via their website